Alpha Chi's History

Beatrice R. Muckle - Founder
Jan 26,1907 - Nov 7, 1989 (aged 82)
Alpha Chi Chapter is located in Portsmouth, Virginia. It all began when Beatrice R. Muckle went out of town to visit friends. While there, she heard of an AWESOME organization made up of professional educators titled National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Incorporated. She was excited and wanted to start this organization in Portsmouth, Virginia.
As a result, Alpha Chi was chartered into the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Incorporated on March 3, 1951. Soror Beatrice R. Muckle was the Founder of Alpha Chi Chapter and Soror Beatrice C. Horne was Co-Founder. Sorors Marian Bluitt (Basileus) and Mabel Bouldin (Grammateus) were officers in the parent body of The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa.
There were eleven chartered members in this chapter. They were:
Beatrice R. Muckle - Founder *
Beatrice C. Horne- Co-Founder *
Roosevelt Bridgers *
Viola S. Carr *
Doris J. Hunter *
Bessie C. Smith *
Mary J. Sneed *
Mildred Stephenson-Sims
Ruth J. Thomas *
Ruby B. Williams *
Rosa L. Young *
* Omega Chapter
Chapter First Krinon Club Inducted in October, 1951 -- Mayetta Ford, Vivian Imes, Earline Peanort, Margaret Seals, and Mary Burroughs.
List of Alpha Chi Chapter Basilei
Beatrice R. Muckle, 1951-1958
Beatrice Horne, 1958-1961
Earline Peanort, 1961-1963
Viola Carr, 1963-1965
Margaret Seals, 1965-1969
Roosevelt Bridges, 1969-1973
Mary Sneed, 1973-1975
Vivian Imes, 1975-1977
June Turner, 1977-1981
Mayetta Ford, 1981-1983
Mary McDuffie, 1983-1985
Ruth Thomas, 1985-1987
Marian Matthews, 1987-1991
Queen E. Malone, 1991-1995
Frances Bates, 1995-1997
Marian Carey, 1997-2001
Mable Jones, 2001-2002
Evelyn West, 2002-2011
Sandra Marshall, 2011-2013
Marian Carey, 2013-2019
Queen E. Malone, 2019-2023
Marjorie McDaniel 2023-
Alpha Chi Current Chapter Officers
Marjorie McDaniel, Basileus
Ruth Coleman, 1st Anti-Basileus
Marian D. Carey, 2nd Anti-Basileus
Deryl Winborne, Grammateus
Barbara McDougle, Epistoleus
Carolyn Stiff, Tamiouchos
Shirley Coleman, Tamias
Queen E. Malone, Executive Advisor
Queen E. Malone, Parliamentarian
Bernita Johnson, Dean of Pledgees
Alpha Chi Past National Officers
Queen E. Malone, Supreme Epistoleus 2003-2007
Queen E. Malone, Member-at-Large 2007-2013
Queen E. Malone, National Director of Public Relations 2015-2019
Marjorie McDaniel, Member-at-Large 2013-2017
Marjorie McDaniel, Supreme Grammateus 2017-2021
Alpha Chi Past Regional Officers
Margaret Seals, Regional Grammateus 2001-2005
Queen E. Malone, Regional Epistoleus 1999-2002
Queen E. Malone, Member-at-Large 2007-2013
Marjorie McDaniel, Regional Grammateus 2001-2005
Marjorie McDaniel, Member-at-Large 2013-2017
Alpha Chi Life Members
Corrine Gibson
Queen E. Malone
Mary McDuffie
Marjorie McDaniel (Life & Diamond)
Alpha Chi Eastern Regional Educational Achievement Award Recipients
Lucille Wiggins
Queen E. Malone 1997
Chapter Anthropos
Alpha Chi Chapter Anthropos group was founded by an Alpha Chi Anthropos named Matthew Peanort. The group was called Alchis which consisted of approximately 12 men in the lives of the sorors. The Alchis elect officers, meet once a month and their sole, purpose is to support the chapter. They attend and support all chapter activities as well as organizing all traveling done by the sorors. Alchi Matthew Peanort, who is deceased, was honored at one of the Regional Conferences as founder of the Anthropos.